About Me

Passionate computer science honours graduate with the vision of harnessing the power and potential within deep learning to create a positive impact on our planet. 5+ years previous experience in management and technical roles within the events industry and ~3 year using Python for machine and deep learning. Enthusiastic, highly motivated and eager to take on some of technology's greatest challenges.


2015 | Higher Certificate in Sound Production

SAE Institute, Cape Town, South Africa

2018 - 2021 | BSc Honours in Computer Science

1st Class, Arden University, Coventry, England

2021 - Present | MSc Artificial Intelligence

University of Leeds, Leeds, England


Below are a few small projects of mine. Click the 'VIEW CODE' button to see more.

Neural Style Transfer

Neural Network, VGG19, Tensorflow, OOP

Blending two images together - a content image and a style image - using deep learning resulting in the content images 'painted' in the style of the style image. My example uses an image of mine of mountains in the Western Cape, South Africa, as the content image and the Starry Night painting by Van Gogh as the style image.

YOLO Book Recommender

YOLOv3, Pytesseract, OpenCV, Google API

The idea for this project was to get personalised book recommendations by taking a picture of your book shelf, or any bookshelves that sparks your interest. The network recognises the books on your bookshelf, and suggests some additional books you may like.

BiLSTM Sunspots Prediction

Deep Neural Network, BiLSTM, Tensorflow

Predicting the number of sunspots per month using Conv1D, BiLSTM, Dense and Lambda layers, as well as using the LearningRateScheduler() callback to find the optimal learning rate for training.

Contact Me

Transcripts, work experience, references letters, dissertation and publications can be supplied upon request. Use the form below via formspree, or contact me directly at:
+27 76 594 5299